
From the Archives: Bea Arthur and Rock Hudson sing about Teh Drugz

Sometimes the internet is a horrible place, like when YouTube comments reveal the true base nature of humanity, or a site can't be navigated to simply change the billing address on a credit card (Bank Of America?!?!?). Other times the internet is a wonderful time machine, a veritable cabinet of curiosities; and today is certainly one of those days.

Via a commenter on Gawker, this gem was happened across. Rock Hudson and Bea Arthur singing a catchy little song together lamenting the times "when 'smoke' was Luckies, and 'high' was gin" on "The Beatrice Arthur Special" on CBS, from January of 1980

Easily the gayest thing posted since those Gay Unicorns. And Hey! This is a song too! Just like those unicorns! And it's a catchy one that will be stuck in your head for days! Months even! I think I want this as a ringtone! How do I make one of those!

In any event, enjoy a beautiful campy moment from the history of American television, and marvel that Rock Hudson can manage an irony free reference to "Amyl Nitrate".

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