
Proposition 8 Supported By Thoughtful Reason

The below video clip (via Towleroad) is an example of the fair minded and well reasoned arguments being employed by anti gay marriage supporters in California.

Too busy too watch? The verbatim quote is: "There was another time in history when people, when the bell tolled. And the question was whether or not they were going to hear it. The time was during Nazi Germany with Adolf Hitler. You see he brought crowds of clergy together to assure them that he was going to look after the church..."

To one Mr. Brad Dacus, I have this to say: Really? Are you going to go there, of all places? Comparing pro equality supporters to Nazis? Or are you merely inferring that supporting marriage equality is akin to kowtowing to an amoral and ultimately murderous government? Ironic, really, that what Nazi Germany did to Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, and, yup, Gays, is pretty much exactly what the Pro 8 crowd wants to do the Gays. (In so much as restricting rights and freedoms, to be clear -- there's really no need for any more incendiary rhetoric.) Bad analogy, Mr Dacus, bad analogy.

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