
Time Lapse Kitteh

Things have been, in general, kind of a bummer lately. Not on a whole by any means, but every one is likely a little stressed of late. For that reason alone, I think that it's time for a cuddly kitten video... Time lapse footage of someone sharing the bed with their cat, and the tossing and turning that ensues. While this does, in truth, make me miss my last cat, it also makes me happy that I do not currently share the bed with a pet; especially around the end of the clip when the cat is obviously bored and acting out.

As an added bonus (or not, depending on your view of vicious ear worm songs), please enjoy "The Kitty Dance", and yes, enjoy it for days and days, because it will never leave your head. Creepy or fabulous? Both? Yup, you got it.

1 comment:

adele said...

Dakin, if you didn't exist I think the universe wold implode.