
Thanks CNN!

First of all, I refuse to get on my soapbox and talk about how irresponsible it is for the media to be running with a string of Depression features over the past couple of weeks. It's inappropriate, not necessarily accurate, and frankly, I find it somewhat disturbing the amount of glee editors seem to take in fueling fear. Things have been frightening enough over the past few weeks without reading articles about stealing chickens and eating squirrels.

The end all be all of Depression reporting comes to us today, however, via CNN:

"It was a uniquely disgusting thing ... to see my grandfather take a stewed, skinned squirrel's head, smack the skull's dome with a heavy silver tablespoon, and dine on the brains," LeBlanc said.

Not nearly, I'm sure, as "uniquely disgusting" as reading about it over your lunch. However, I see your tale of squirrel brains, and I raise you a video of how to prepare "squirrel melts". Actually, don't bother watching this one. Really. I mean, of course you will, but I would advise against it, so don't say that you weren't warned. You may never want to eat anything again. Ever.

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