
Sarah Palin Secessionist?

There's been a great deal of fuss lately from the McCain/Palin camp regarding Barack Obama's association with one William Ayers, who had been a member of the Weather Underground -- a domestic terrorist group active in the 1960s, and responsible for bombing the pentagon in 1972. (The Pentagon sustained minimal damage, and no one was injured or killed in the incident.) Ayers later became a legitimate figure in the Chicago educational system, also working closely with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, and helped to secure a $49.2m grant from the Annenberg Foundation to reform the public education system in Chicago. He was also awarded Citizen of the Year in 1997 by the city of Chicago for his work in education. As you can see, a dangerous character indeed; someone existing entirely on the fringes of Chicago's political scene, a Kaczynski of the brownstones.

Not so much. While Ayers indeed has a checkered past, he is by no definition currently a "domestic terrorist".

Sarah Palin, on the other hand apparently is very legitimately and recently linked to a very real group of secessionists in Alaska. As a matter of fact, she has addressed their national conference (this group so anti American that they literally want to remove themselves physically from the Union) as recently as 2008. The group is the Alaskan Independence Party, and while I don't see any record of violent activity, I can't help but think that involvement with a group that includes amongst it's goals separation from the United States (and taking with them all of those natural resources that we seem to need so badly right now) is not only unpatriotic, but the height of treason.

The real question is: Why aren't we talking about this on the national stage??

The video below should be of great interest; in it Sarah Palin expresses her support of the party alongside video and audio recordings of party members.

update: apparently this issue is beginning to attract the attention of the press... (via jed report)

Read the referenced Salon.com article here.

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